Mysql Php Script Generator For Sql
I'm writing a PHP script to generate SQL dumps from my database for version control purposes. It already dumps the data structure by means of running the appropriate SHOW CREATE. Now I want to dump data itself but I'm unsure about the best method. My requirements are: • I need a record per row • Rows must be sorted by primary key • SQL must be valid and exact no matter the data type (integers, strings, binary data.) • Dumps should be identical when data has not changed I can detect and run mysqldump as external command but that adds an extra system requirement and I need to parse the output in order to remove headers and footers with dump information I don't need (such as server version or dump date). I'd love to keep my script as simple as I can so it can be hold in an standalone file. What are my alternatives?
PHP Generator for MySQL allows you to build a complete, professional quality website from your MySQL database without any programming. Sql Script Generator is a tool for generate INSERT/UPDATE statement sql script. Carport Diagnose Lizenz Adobe Reader there. With Sql Script Generator you can create script to copy data from one database to.
You have multiple SQL-injection holes mysql_real_escape_string() only works for values, not for anything else. Also you are using it wrong, you need to quote your values aka parameters in single quotes. $normal_query = 'SELECT col1 FROM table1 WHERE col2 = '$escaped_var' '; If you don't mysql_real_escape_string() will not work and you will get syntax errors as a bonus. In a CREATE statement there are no parameters, so escaping makes no sense and serves no purpose. You need to whitelist your column names because this code does absolutely nothing to protect you. Coding horror $dbname = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['name']); //unsafe see this question for answers: Never use n in a query Use separate the elements using spaces.
MySQL is perfectly happy to accept your query as one long string. If you want to pretty-print your query, use two spaces in place of n and replace a double space by a linebreak in the code that displays the query on the screen. More SQL-injection $SESSION['user_id'] is not secure, you suggest you convert that into an integer and then feed it into the query. Because you cannot check it against a whitelist and escaping tablenames is pointless. $safesession_id = intval($SESSION['user_id']); Surround all table and column names in backticks ` This is not needed for handwritten code, but for autogenerated code it is essential.
Example: CREATE TABLE `table_18993` (`id` INTEGER. Learn from the master You can generate the create statement of a table in MySQL using the following MySQL query: SHOW CREATE TABLE tblname; Your code needs to replicate the output of this statement exactly.
Peter Robinson: 'As a tech savvy company director, I wanted an inexpensive web based database application to manage all aspects of my business. As with most humans I find developing purely by CLI very hard and do not have the will or time to invest in improving my skills. I was looking to find a nice human friendly GUI to design and build my application, which is when I came across PHP Generator for MySQL.
Whilst you still need a great understanding of logic and a small amount of programming ability to get the specific results you require, I am very happy with the speed of progress I have been making with this invaluable tool. With all the standard libraries included, this product makes normal requirements such as JavaScript form validation, lookup selectors, on click events, auto complete, detailed searches, multiformat exports, rss feeds and username security straight forward and quick. Having any changes made via the GUI written to the web server at the click of a button makes testing out ideas quick and easy without fear of breaking your application. To conclude, I couldn't find any other product on the market that came close to offering the amount of options this does, and I do hope that more products like this come out in the future, with the hope of eventually eradicating the need to program all together'.