Install Qmail Centos 7 Desktop
Roundcube is a web browser based mail client & also known as webmail. It provides a GUI ( Graphical User Interface ) where end users can check their mails, can create & manage folders, can use address book to search email ids and lot of other webmail features. To install roundcube on CentOS 7 followings are the prerequisite that should be installed.
• PHP • Database ( MariaDB or MySQL ) • Web Server ( Apache ) • Any MTA – Postfix, Sendmail & Qmail In My Case i have already installed Postfix with dovecot on CentOS 7 with. • Domain name = • Hostname = Follow below Steps to install & configure latest version of Roundcube: Step:1 Install PHP, Database & Apache using below command: [root@tec ~]# yum install httpd php php-common php-json php-xml php-mbstring php-imap php-pear-DB php-mysql mysql mariadb-server Once the above package list is installed, set the time zone value in PHP. Root@tec ~]# vi /etc/php.ini date.timezone = Asia/Kolkata Save & exit the file Step:2 Create & Configure Roundcube Database Let us first set the Initial settings & root password of Mariadb Server: [root@tec ~]# systemctl start mariadb [root@tec ~]# systemctl enable mariadb ln -s '/usr/lib/systemd/system/mariadb.service' '/etc/systemd/system/' [root@tec ~]# [root@tec ~]# mysql_secure_installation Above Command “ mysql_secure_installation” will allow us to set root password, remove anonymous users, disable remote root login and will remove test database. Now Create database for Roundube and grant all the permissions to the database Step:3 Download tar file of Roundcube Download latest version of Roundcube tar file either from their official site “ or we can use below wget command. [root@tec ~]# wget Untar the downloaded file in your web server document root. [root@tec ~]# tar -zxpvf roundcubemail-1.1.3-complete.tar.gz -C /var/www/html/ Rename the extracted file as Roundcube and set the required permissions [root@tec html]# mv roundcubemail-1.1.3 roundcube [root@tec html]# chown apache:apache roundcube [root@tec html]# Start the Apache service [root@tec html]# systemctl start httpd [root@tec html]# systemctl enable httpd ln -s '/usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service' '/etc/systemd/system/' [root@tec html]# Step:4 Start Roundcube installation using web browser installer.
To start the installation of Rouncube, access the below url in the web browser click on Next Define the Database, Authentication Mechanism, SMTP & IMAP setting in this step. When We click on Create Config option it will ask us to Copy or download the configuration and save it as within the /var/www/html/roundcube/config/ directory of your Roundcube installation. In my case i am using http based authentication mechanism, so i create one user on my Linux box and set its password using htpasswd command. [root@tec ~]# htpasswd -c /home/linuxtechi/.htpasswd linuxtechi New password: Re-type new password: Adding password for user linuxtechi [root@tec ~]# Remove the installer directory from your web server document root ( /var/www/html/roundcube ) [root@tec ~]# cd /var/www/html/roundcube/ [root@tec roundcube]# rm -rf installer [root@tec roundcube]# Step:5 Now access your account using Roundcube Open the url in the browser “, use the credentials that we set using htpasswd command. Roundcube installation is completed, Now explore it and enjoy.
Best Linux Mail Transfer Agents (MTA’s) What is a Mail Transfer Agent (MTA)? A MTA is an application that routes and transmits electronic mail from one node on a network to another.
It uses a protocol known as SMTP ( Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) to perform its task. Don’t Miss: On a network node, exists an email client that is used to send and receive messages to and from the mail server, an email client also makes use of the SMTP protocol but it is not necessarily a MTA. MTA’s are installed on a mail server and email clients such as Mozilla Thunderbird, Evolution, Microsoft’s Outlook and Apple Mail are installed on a mail client (user computer).
The site for people who want to establish the Network Server with CentOS, Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian.
In this article, we shall look at a round up of the best and most used MTA’s on Linux mail servers. Sendmail Sendmail now known as proofpoint (after Proofpoint, Inc acquired Sendmail, Inc) is by far the most popular and one of the oldest MTA on the Linux server platform. Sendmail has a lot of limitations though, in comparison to modern MTAs. Because of its complicated configuration steps and demands, and weak security mechanisms, many new MTAs have come up as alternatives to Sendmail, but importantly, it offers everything to do with mail on a network. Visit Homepage: 2. Postfix Postfix is a cross-platform, popular MTA that was designed and developed by Wietse Zweitze Venema for his mail server while working at IBM research department.
Don’t Miss: It was primarily developed as an alternative to well known and popular Sendmail MTA. Postfix runs on Linux, Mac OSX, Solaris and several other Unix-like operating systems. It borrows a lot of Sendmail properties on the outside, but it has a totally and comprehensively distinct internal operation. Additionally, it bids to be fast in performance with easy configurations and secure operation mechanism and has the following major features: • Junk mail control • Supports multiple protocols • Database support • Mailbox support • Address manipulation support and many more Visit Homepage: 3.
Exim Exim is a free MTA developed for Unix-like operating systems such as Linux, Mac OSX, Solaris and many more. Exim offers a great level of flexibility in routing mail on a network, with outstanding mechanisms and facilities for incoming mail monitoring. Its notable features include among others: • No support for POP and IMAP protocols • Supports protocols such as RFC 2821 SMTP and RFC 2033 LMTP email message transport • Configurations include access control lists, content scanning, encryption, routing controls among others • Excellent documentation • It has utilities such as Lemonade which is an assortment of SMTP and IMAP extensions to enable mobile messaging plus many more. Visit Homepage: 4. Qmail Qmail is also another free, open-source and modern Linux MTA when compared to the other MTAs we have looked. More over, it is simple, reliable, efficient and offers extensive security features hence a secure MTA package.
It is relatively small but feature-rich and some of its features include: • Runs on multiple Unix-like operating systems such as FreeBSD, Solaris, Mac OSX plus many more • Simple and quick installation • Automatic per-host configuration • Clear separation between addresses, files and programs • Full support for address groups • Lets each user manage their own mail lists • Supports an easy way to set up mailing list • Supports VERPs • Supports automatic prevention of mailing list loops • Supports ezmlm mailing list manager • No random lists supported and many more Visit Homepage: 5. Mutt – Command Line Email Client Mutt is a small yet powerful terminal based email client for Unix-like operating systems. It has some exciting features as a text-based email client, and some of its notable features include: • Message threading • Support for IMAP and POP3 protocols • Supports several mailbox formats such as mbox, MH, maildir, MMDF • Delivery status support • Multiple message tagging • Support for PGP/MIME (RFC2015) • Various features to support mailing listing, including list-reply • Full control of message headers during composition • Easy to install • Active development community and many more Visit Homepage: 6. Alpine Alpine is a fast and easy-to-use terminal based email client for Linux, it is based on the Pine messaging system. Yugioh Pc Utorrent here. It works well for starters and power users alike, users can easily learn how to use it through context-sensitive help.
Importantly, it is highly customizable through the Alpine setup command. Visit Homepage: In this round up, we have looked a brief introduction to how mail is routed and transmitted on a network from mail clients to mail servers and more importantly, a slight understanding of how MTAs work and a list of the best and most used Linux MTA that you may probably want to install to build a mail server. There are several other MTAs out there but they all have strengths and limitations as the ones we have reviewed here. 1 to 4 are Mail Transport Agents (MTA)s 5 & 6 are Mail User Agents (MUA)s and are not MTAs!
“Email Clients” are MUAs not MTAs period! The title should read: 4 Best Mail Transfer Agents (MTA’s) for Linux and a couple of MUAs;-) To get to 6 MTAs one can include: 5) CourierMail Server courier-mta: the Courier mail transfer agent (MTA) is an integrated mail/groupware server based on open commodity protocols, such as ESMTP, IMAP, POP3, LDAP, SSL, and HTTP. Courier provides ESMTP, IMAP, POP3, webmail, and mailing list services within a single, consistent, framework. And even the light weight ->6) dma – – DragonFly Mail Agent – dma is a small Mail Transport Agent (MTA), designed for home and office use. It accepts mails from locally installed Mail User Agents (MUA) and delivers the mails either locally or to a remote destination.
Remote delivery includes several features like TLS/SSL support and SMTP authentication. PS: Having used all 6 MTAs I stick with Exim if possible.